Domadores Auction

Los Pingos del Taita

Alongside Argentina's legendary horse trainers and true to our commitment, we proudly continue the tradition of offering the finest equine genetics. After 12 years of unwavering dedication, this event has evolved into an unparalleled experience, uniting prominent figures in Argentine and global polo.

Throughout the year, we engage in the shared task of collaborating with individuals possessing extensive knowledge of horses, the world of polo competition, specialized media, and, of course, the finest specimens of Argentine polo.

Generations of champion genetics and pedigrees, carefully bred, come together in this extraordinary selection of horses trained for high-level competition.

Precision genetics

Since 2006, our steadfast commitment and professional focus have propelled us toward a singular goal:: "To be the cradle of Champions". Over the years, the most successful breeders have entrusted us with their most precious treasures: stallions, mares, and embryos that become integral members of our winning genetic family.

Our reputation as one of the benchmark centers in Argentina and the world is grounded in the unparalleled quality of our craftsmanship, meticulous care, and the well-deserved repose of specimens from various equine breeds. At Los Pingos del Taita, we are committed to seeking excellence, and we honor the trust placed by our clients as we journey together towards the future.