ONLINE Auction · November 22

Catálogo del remate 2023

Catálogo del remate 2023

Horse Tamers

The dream team!

Where technology, tradition, and passion for horses converge.
Expertly curated genetics and world-class horse trainers from Argentina unite on an extraordinary mission. Their dedication is focused on delivering the finest polo horses at the at the Domadores Auction by Los Pingos del Taita.

Los Pingos del Taita

More than an auction

The trail is long for those who traverse it.
Years have passed in a gallop, as if they were just a moment.
But how wise is this slow, patient pace,
like the heartbeat of one who gently caresses a colt.
More than an auction, it is the promise of a meeting;
of the animal soul and the soul of man.
The communion of this partnership becomes a poem:
of rain, of sun, and of earth. Of ancestral gauchos, of our flag.

Through our trainers, we honor our traditions.

Thank you for being with us.

Los Pingos del Taita

Los Pingos del Taita